Monday, May 30, 2011

Kaylee Anderson... mee!!

Im crazy and I love to have fun. I am 14 and I love SOFTBALL!!! I am a female.... (if you cant tell already) and I love love love my friends and family!!

Here goes to blogging....

Day 01- Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02- Your first love
Day 03- Your parents
Day 04- What you ate today
Day 05- Your definition of love
Day 06- Your day
Day 07- Your best friend
Day 08- A moment
Day 09- Your beliefs
Day 10- What you wore today
Day 11- Your siblings
Day 12- What's in your bag
Day 13- This week
Day 14- What you wore today
Day 15- Your dreams
Day 16- Your first kiss
Day 17- Your favorite memory
Day 18- Your favorite birthday
Day 19- Something you regret
Day 20- This month
Day 21- Another moment
Day 22- Something that upsets you
Day 23- Something that makes you feel better
Day 24- Something that makes you cry
Day 25- A first
Day 26- Your fears
Day 27- Your favorite place
Day 28- Something that you miss
Day 29- Your aspirations
Day 30- One last moment

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

something youll be hearing ALOT about!!!

Well thought I would tell you about some of my BEST friends!! I have no idea where I would be without them! First and for most....

I dont know what or where I would be without her. I know I can tell her anything and she'll know exactly what to do and what to say to cheer you up! I know I can count on her!

Valentina is the crazy one of all of us. She knows what to say, and when to say it that will make you laugh so hard you'll cry. She is so adorable and I would have such a dull life without her. I full heartedly love this girl!

Ohh what to say about this girl I dont know. But all I can say is she is always smiling and never lets you down. She is one of my absolute favorites, and she knows how to have a freaking amazing general party! Love ya girly!
Last but not least......

Ohh.... me and beautiful Lindsay have had some amazing times. I know when I find out something bad about the other three and dont know how to tell her I can go to Lindsay and she knows exactly how, when, and even sometimes where. Shes sooo beautiful and an amazing person! Love ya babe!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


yes!!! Summer is here in 6 days!! WOOT WOOT!!
Am i excited? OBVIOUSLY!!
Are you? you better be!
Am I doing anything amazing over the summer? The world may never know! :}